1 The Life-breatha clearly says that in later times, some will abandon faithfulness, devoting themselves to misleading spirit-breathsb and demonic teachings, 2 because of phoninessc on the part of those who speak lies, those who have cauterized their own attentiveness,c 3 those who forbid people to marry or require people to keep away from foods which God created for partaking with thanksgiving for the faithful and those who have understood the truth. 4 You see, every creation of God is valuable, and nothing received with thanksgiving is to be discarded 5 because it is being designated for sacred purposes by what God says and intercession.e
6 When you explain these things to members of the Family, you will be an admirable servantf of Christ Jesus, being nourished with discussions of faithfulness and healthy teaching which you have followed closely. 7 But decline to participate regarding conventionalg and uninformedh narratives.i Trainj yourself in respectfulness.k 8 You see, training the bodyl is somewhat beneficial, but respectfulness is beneficial for everything, holding promise for the present life and the one that’s coming. 9 That statement is trustworthy and is worth full acceptance. 10 You see, this is why we labor and strive: we have placed our hope in the God-Who-is-Alive, who is the liberator of all people, especially those who are faithful.
11 Spread and teach these things. 12 No one should think less of you because of your youth; instead, become an example among the faithful in what you say, in what you do, in love, in faithfulness, and in sacredness.m 13 Until I come, attend to reading aloud, encouragement, and teaching. 14 Don’t be careless with the gift you have, which was given to you through prophecy, as well as the elders placing their hands on you. 15 Care for these things, immerse yourself in them, resulting in your progress being apparent to everyone. 16 Give attention to yourself and to your teaching; stay present to them because by doing so, you will liberate both yourself and those who listen to you.
a Traditionally, ‘Spirit’
b Traditionally, ‘spirits’
c Traditionally, ‘hypocrisy’
d Traditionally, ‘whose consciences are seared.’ While the word ‘seared’ works, this phrase isn’t about a sense of right and wrong. It’s about being conscious, attentive, conscientious about tending to praising all peoples as worthy, loving one another.
e Traditionally, ‘intercession.’ The word includes meeting with someone to advocate for another but is more general, referring to many reasons for coming together and speaking with someone.
f This is the same word translated as ‘server’ and traditionally as ‘deacon’ in chapter 3.
g Traditionally, ‘godless’ but this word doesn’t mean ‘godless.’ Bebelos essentially means ‘normal’ or ‘ordinary.’
h Traditionally, ‘old wives tales’ and some read ‘silly’ or ‘gullible.’ It literally is related to the word for old women. The Bible does not characterize women as inherently unintelligent or gullible. In the patriarchal society of the time, women were not given the opportunity to be educated, and this word is referring to that reality that they had been denied education and were, therefore, uninformed.
i Traditionally, ‘myths.’ The English word ‘myth’ does come from this Greek word muthos, but the Greek word was a more generic word for stories and did not have the same definitions as the English word ‘myth.’
j Or ‘exercise’
k Traditionally, ‘godliness.’ While the word eusebeia was often used to refer to reverence for a deity, it was not limited to that context and included other senses of treating people with respect, including examples of directing it toward one’s parents and toward one’s wife.
l Or ‘bodily exercise’
m Traditionally, ‘purity.’ The Greek hagneia has to do with being designated for sacred purposes and is the noun form of the more common adjective hagios, ‘sacred’ or ‘holy.’