1 From: Simeon Peter, enslaved worker and emissary of Jesus Christ
To: Those who have received their share ofa faithfulness as valuable as ours by the justness of our God and our Liberator, Jesus Christ.
2 May generosityb and peace be increased with knowledge of God and Jesus Christ our Lord.
3 That happens since everything of his divine power that promotes life and respectfulnessc has been given to us through knowledge about the one who called us to his own praiseworthiness and virtue.d 4 Because of those valuable and important things, he has given promises to us so that through these things youe could become sharers in divine characteristicsf after escaping from the decayg that is throughout the world system. 5 With that very thing in view, concurrently with what is given,h commit to every effort in supportingi your faithfulness with virtue,j your virtue with knowledge, 6 your knowledge with composure,k your composure with endurance,l your endurance with respectfulness,m 7 your respectfulness with familial caring, and your familial caring with love.n 8 These things existing and multiplying among you cause your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ not to be ineffectiveo or unproductive.p 9 Yet, whomever is not at the ready for these things, they are blind, nearsighted,q having forgotten the cleansing of their former deviations. 10 Because of this, Family, make even more effort to keep your calling and chosenness on trackr because you would certainly never stumbles while doing these things. 11 This is how entrance into the agelong Reign of our Lord and Liberator Jesus Christ will be supported for you.
12 Because of this, I intend to keep reminding you about these things, even though you have seen and been established in the truth that is readily available. 13 I consider it appropriatet to wake you upu with a reminder for as long as I am in this tentv 14 since I have seen that the removal of my tentw is soon because that’s what our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. 15 I will also make an effort for you always to have a reminder to do these things after my departure.
16 We weren’t led out following cleverly devised storiesx when we made known to you the power and arrivaly of our Lord Jesus Christ. Instead, we were eyewitnesses of his importancez 17 when he received honor and praiseaa from Father God when a voice was carried downbb tocc him as this impressivedd praiseee: “This is my beloved son with whom I am delighted.”ff 18 We also heard this voice carried from the heavens since we were together with him on the sacred mountain. 19 We also have the reliablegg prophetic message,hh which you do well when you pay attention to it as if to a light shining in a murky place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your heartsii 20 with the primary understanding that every prophecy of scripture does not come into being from someone’s own initiative. 21 You see, no prophecy was every prompted by a person’s own intention; rather, people spoke them from God when prompted by the Sacred Life-breath.
a The word lankanomai can mean to receive one’s share of something based on casting lots (a method of distributing things based on chance) or it can mean receiving one’s share of something without lots actually being used, receive what has been allocated for them.
b Traditionally, ‘grace’
c Traditionally, ‘godliness.’ The Greek word eusebeia is not linguistically connected to the word ‘God’ (which is theos). It has to do with proceeding with a way of life that exemplifies respect or reverence, and while it can be directed toward God, it is also applicable to other people. The history of the word being translated as ‘godly’ has to do with ‘behaving like God,’ not in the sense of claiming power over others but just the opposite, treating people with dignity as being highly valued.
d This word seems difficult to translate with one English word. It communicates, based on the context, excellence in character, excellence in ability, excellence in courage, or excellence in treating others well. ‘Virtue’ here is meant to communicate excellence in treating others well, which should be synonymous with excellence in character.
e Every instance of ‘you’ and ‘your’ is plural throughout this letter.
f The ‘essential characteristics’ of something or ‘the innate disposition’ of someone
g Or ‘rot/rottenness’ or ‘corruption’ or ‘destructiveness’
h The Greek pareisenenkantes is translated here as ‘concurrently’ (‘with what is given’ is added to clarify that pareisenenkantes is pairing what follows with what was described in verses 3 and 4). It is listed in the lexicon as ‘introducing something alongside’ or ‘introducing as an alternative.’
i Traditionally ‘supplement’ or ‘add,’ epichoregeo means 1) give as a gift, 2) provide at one’s own expense, 3) provide what is necessary for the well-being of another (BDAG). It is translated here as ‘commit [every effort] in supporting.’
j This word communicates, based on the context, excellence in character, excellence in ability, excellence in courage, or excellence in treating others well. ‘Virtue’ here is meant to communicate excellence in treating others well, which should be synonymous with excellence in character and likely takes courage to contradict the expectations of the world system and one’s own anxieties, and face possible persecution as a result.
k Traditionally, ‘self-control.’ Very literally, it means ‘inner control.’ It has to do with regulating one’s own thoughts and emotions to be able to direct one’s actions in line with one’s values.
l Or ‘staying present despite being under a hardship’
m Treating others with respect as God does
n Agape is love not in an emotional sense (though it doesn’t preclude emotion) but rather a commitment to working for the wellbeing of whatever is loved.
o Or ‘futile’
p Or ‘fruitless’
q Perhaps, ‘shortsighted’
r This word bebaios can also mean, ‘hitting the mark’ (as an arrow), ‘reliable,’ ‘lasting,’ ‘dependable,’ ‘certain,’ ‘safe,’ ‘secure,’ ‘stable.’
s Or ‘fail’ or ‘make a mistake/offense.’
t Traditionally, ‘righteous’ or ‘right.’ Also possible, ‘just.’
u Or ‘rouse you’
v Used metaphorically for the body as a portable home for the inner being, spirit, mind
w Removal of his tent refers to his death, no longer having the body he currently animates.
x Or ‘sophisticated fictions’
y Or ‘ready at hand-ness’ or ‘presence’ or ‘availability’
z Or ‘greatness’ or ‘bigness’ or ‘impressiveness,’ etc.
aa Traditionally, ‘glory’
bb The Greek preposition can mean downward movement, as is translated here, or it can be used to describe who or what is doing an action, which would be translated ‘by.’ Many other translations use it that way: “by the Majestic Glory.’
cc As ‘on the wind’
dd Traditionally, ‘majestic’ or ‘magnificent.’ The word has to do with standing out for its greatness, impressiveness.
ee Many translations translate this as ‘Majestic Glory’ interpreting this as a name of God. It seems to make more sense in this context as describing the praise or renown as impressive, the one that was spoken from the heavens in Matthew 3 at Jesus’ baptism.
ff Reference to Matthew 17:5, based on the context of the following verse. A similar event was recorded in Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11, and Luke 3:22 at the Jordan River.
gg This word bebaios (also appearing in verse 10 as ‘on track’) can also mean, ‘hitting the mark’ (as an arrow), ‘reliable,’ ‘lasting,’ ‘dependable,’ ‘certain,’ ‘safe,’ ‘secure,’ ‘stable.’
hh Or ‘conversation’ or ‘discussion’
ii The heart represented not all emotions, as it does in American culture, but specifically desires and motivation.