1 Loved ones, this is nowa the second letter I am writing to you with which I am waking up your uncontaminated way of thinking with a reminder 2 to remember the statements said previously by the prophets who were dedicated for sacred purposes and the direction from the emissaries of the Lord and Liberator. 3 I want you to understand this first: people who taunt and proceed based on their own desires will come during the last days with taunts 4 and say, “Where is his promised arrivalb? The ancestors fell asleepc without it, and everything still stays the same way it has been from the beginning of creation.” 5 This causes those who wish it to forget that the heavens existed long ago and the land has been constructed out from the water and through the water by God’s conversation. 6 The world system at that time was also destroyed by it when it was flooded with water. 7 But now, the heavens and the land have been reserved by the same conversation and are being kept ford fire on a day of assessment and destruction of the disrespectfule people.
8 Loved ones, in this don’t let it cause you to forget that in the Lord’s perception, one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day. 9 The Lord isn’t stallingf the Promise as some think of stalling; instead, the Lord is patient for your benefit since he doesn’t want anyone to be destroyed but for everyone to turn toward transforming their mind.g 10 Then the day of the Lord will arrive like a thief. On that day, the heavens will pass away with a hiss,h and the fundamental assumptionsi will be dissolved, burned up, and the land and the things done in it will be found out.j 11 With all these things to be dissolved this way, it is necessary to lay the foundation as the sort of people with a way of life dedicated to sacred purposes and with respectfulness, 12 expecting and pursuing the arrivalk of the day of God by which the heavens, being purified with fire, will be melted down and the fundamental assumptions burned up and dissolved.l 13 So, based on his promise, we are expecting a new heavens and a new land in which justice is established.m
14 Loved ones, because of this, while you are expecting these things, pursue being found out to be spotless and unblemished withn himo regarding peace, 15 and think of our Lord’s patience as liberation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you based on the wisdom given to him. 16 He has also spoken about these things in all his letters. There are things in them that are counterintuitive, which people who don’t understand and are insecure distortp as they also do with the rest of the scripturesq to their own destruction. 17 Therefore, loved ones, since you know in advance, be vigilant so that you do not fall awayr from your own firm footing by being led away into the wandering of the people who abandon their commitments. 18 Grow in generosity and knowledge of our Lord and Liberator, Jesus Christ. Praise be to him both now and in the day of the Age.
a Or ‘already’
b Or ‘ready at hand-ness’ or ‘presence’ or ‘availability’
c A common euphemism for dying
d Or ‘with’ or ‘by’ or ‘in’
e Traditionally, ‘ungodly’
f Or ‘being slow with’
g Traditionally, ‘repentance’
h Like a snake. Or, ‘whirr’ like wings through the air, or ‘whistle’ like a person signaling others. With the context that follows, perhaps the hiss of hot metal and steam.
i Compare to Galatians 4:3, 9
j Or ‘discovered’
k Or ‘ready at hand-ness’ or ‘presence’ or ‘availability’
l This is describing the process of purifying metals by heating them in a fire until they melt, and the impurities burn away, and a pure molten metal is left behind.
m Or ‘dwells’ or ‘settles’ or ‘colonizes’
n Or ‘by’ or ‘for’ or ‘to’ or ‘in’
o Compare to 1 Peter 1:13-21, especially verse 19.
p Or ‘twist’ or ‘stretch’
q Or ‘writings’
r The image is of falling off the path, such as after tripping or stepping on an unstable spot.