1 Therefore, nothing is now a verdict against those connected with Christ Jesus, 2 for the Torah of the Breath of Life liberated you with Christ Jesus from the torah of deviation and death. 3 Since the Torah was unable to accomplish it while it was powerless during bodily existence,a God sent his own son with a resemblance of a bodily existenceb of deviation, and—concerning deviation—he rendered a verdict against deviation duringc a bodily existenced 4 so that the Torah’s act of restorative justicee would be fully lived out among us, those who do not walk based on bodily impulses but based on Life-breath instead.
5 Those who walk based on bodily impulses consider the things of the bodily impulses, but those who walk based on the Life-breath consider the things of the Life-breath. 6 The thought pattern of the bodily impulses is death, but the thought pattern of the Life-breath is life and peace.f 7 That’s why the thought pattern of bodily impulses is hostile toward God, for it does not cooperate with the Torah of God, and it is not even able to do so; 8 those who are within the bodily impulses are not able to make amendsg to God.
9 However, you are not within bodily impulses but rather within the Life-breath—if the Life-breath of God actually resides among you. But if anyone does not have the Life-breath of Christ, they are not his. 10 If Christ is among you, the body is dead because of deviation while the Life-breath is alive because of justness. 11 If the Life-breath of the one who has raised Jesus from among the dead resides among you, then the one who raised Christ from among the dead will make even your mortal bodies alive through his Life-breath who resides among you.
12 So therefore, Family, we are not indebtedh to the bodily existence,i to being alive based on bodily impulsesj 13 (for if you are alive based on bodily existence, you are going to die), but if you put to death the practices of the body with the Life-breath, you will live. 14 Whoever is led by the Life-breath of God, they are the childrenk of God. 15 You see, you did not receive a spirit-breath of enslavement to fear again, but instead, you received a Life-breath of adoption with which we cry out, “Abba! (Father!)” 16 This Life-breath reports, along with our life-breath, that we are God’s children. 17 And if we are children, we are also heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ—if we actually suffer along with him with the result that we would also be praised along with him.
18 I calculate that the sufferings of the present time don’t carry the same weight as the renowned praiseworthiness that is going to be revealed amongl us. 19 Creation is patiently waiting in eager anticipation for the revealing of the children of God, 20 for Creation was arrangedm having impulsivity,n not voluntarily but due to the one who arranged it, in the hope 21 that even Creation itself would be liberated from enslavement to decay into the freedom of the renowned praiseworthiness of the children of God. 22 You see, we have come to understand that the entire Creation groans together and feels pain together from the beginning to now. 23 Not only that, but we ourselves who have the first results of the Life-breath also groan among ourselves while we patiently await our adoption, the purchase of our bodies from slavery. 24 We are liberated for the hope; however, hope that is already seen is not hope, for who still hopes for what he already sees? 25 But if we don’t see what we hope for, we wait patiently through endurance.
26 Likewise, the Life-breath also strives to attain it along with us during our powerlessness since we haven’t understood how we may pray according to what is necessary, and that same Life-breath intercedes with inexpressible groans. 27 Nevertheless, the one who examines hearts has understood the thought pattern of the Life-breath, because she intercedes on behalf of those who are designated for sacred purposes according to God. 28 We have understood that God collaborateso in everything with those who love God, those who are called with intention.p 29 Because he knew them beforehand, he also decided beforehand for them to be conformed to the image of his Son, for his Son to be the firstborn among many siblings. 30 He both decided on them beforehand and also called them. He called them and also aligned them with justice. He aligned them with justice and also made them renowned for praiseworthiness.q
31 Then, what will we say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? 32 In fact, the one who did not selfishly hold backr his own Son but instead gave him overs for all our sakes, how would he not also generously give everything along with him? 33 Who will make an accusation against God’s chosen ones? God is the one who recognizes people as just. 34 Who will render a verdict against them? Christ is the one who died (but what’s more, he was the one who was raised) and who is at the right hand of God and who intercedes for us.
35 Who will separate us from Christ’s love? Oppression or disaster or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 It is just as it has been written: “For your sake, we are put to death the whole day; we are counted as sheep for slaughter.”t 37 Just the opposite of being separated, with all these things we attain something that transcends victoryu through the one who loved us. 38 You see, I have been convinced that neither death nor life, neither messengers nor leaders, neither things that are already here nor things that are going to be, neither powerful forces 39 nor things that are high or low, nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love, which is demonstrated withv Christ Jesus our Lord.
a Traditionally, ‘flesh’
b Traditionally, ‘flesh’
c Or ‘in’ or ‘with’
d Traditionally, ‘ flesh’
e Or ‘’righteous action’ or ‘act of justice’ or ‘rightful claim’
f Or ‘harmony’
g Or ‘be pleasing’
h This is related to the concept of being enslaved by ‘bodily existence’ since most enslavement was connected with debt in the context when this was written.
i Traditionally, ‘flesh’
j Traditionally, ‘flesh.’ It is the same Greek word as is translated as ‘bodily existence’ earlier in this verse.
k Traditionally, ‘sons.’ It carries the meaning of descendants, particularly heirs, and not only males. It does not specify small children, as the English word ‘children’ can imply.
l Or ‘to’ or ‘for’ or ‘with’
m Or ‘assigned to’ or ‘coordinated’ or ‘subjected to’
n Or ‘rashness’ or ‘foolishness’ or ‘ineffectiveness’ or ‘uselessness.’
o Meaning ‘all creation, the Life-breath, and the one who examines hearts’ all collaborate for the benefit of—not that ‘everything works out for the best’ for—those who love God.
p Or ‘purposefully’ or ‘intentionally’
q Traditionally ‘glorified them’
r Traditionally, ‘spare’ but this word is not about choosing not to be merciful toward the son—not ‘sparing his life.’ The original use of ‘spare’ here was in the sense of being ‘cheap’ or ‘frugal,’ spending or giving ‘sparingly.’ It is about being ‘stingy’ and holding back from giving something away, letting go of something for the sake of others. It can also be used about preserving something or protecting someone, and it is true in that case as well, but the context leans heavily toward the ‘was not stingy with’ meaning here.
s Not ‘gave him up’
t Quotation of Psalm 44:22
u Traditionally, ‘we are more than conquerors’ (KJV, NRSV, ESV, NIV) or ‘we overwhelmingly conquer’ (NASB).
v Or ‘the one that is according to the standard of.’